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Item Çin kaynaklarına göre Taoizm(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2011) Abudukelimu, Bumairimu; Erdem, MustafaÖZETÇin kaynaklarına göre TaoizmBumairimu AbudukelimuDoktora Tezi, Dinler Tarihi Anabilim DalıTez Danışmanı: Prof. Dr. Mustafa ErdemAralık 2011, 162 sayfa Çin Kaynaklarına Göre Taoizm adlı bu çalışma Giriş ile beraber üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Girişte, konunun seçimi ve sınırları, metot ve kaynaklar bahsedildikten sonra, Çin hakkında genel bilgiler, Çinlilerin tarihi ve yaşadıkları coğrafya, Çin’deki büyük dinler, Taoizm hakkında batıda ve Türkiye’de yapılan çalışmalar ele alınmıştır. Birinci bölümde Taoizm’in ortaya çıkışı, Lao-zi, Zhuang-zi’nin hayatı ve görüşleri, Taoizm’in geliştiği tarihi süreç anlatılmıştır. İkinci bölümde günümüzdeki Taoizm inancındaki genel prensipler, tanrılar, kutsal kitaplar, din adamları, uygulamalar, tapınak ve mezhepler konusuna yer verilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde Taoizm’in ÇHC dışındaki bölgelerdeki yayılma durumuna dikkat çekilmiştir. Sonuç olarak bu tezde, dünyanın en eski dinlerinden biri olan Taoizm’in geçmişi ve bugününe göz atılarak, bu dinin panteizm’e dönüştüğü süreç izlenmiştir. ABSTRACTTaoism: According to the Chinese resourcesBumairimu AbudukelimuPh. D. Dissertation, Department of History of ReligionsAdvisor: Prof. Mustafa ErdemDecember 2011, 162 pages This paper entitled as Taoism: According to Chinese Resources was composed of an introduction and three chapters. In introduction, I try to explain the main purpose of this thesis, methods and resources, which I drew on. And I also tried to give some information about Chinese history and geography, the major religions in China today, the Taoism studies in the western countries and Turkiye. In the first chapter, I provide a brief introduction of how did Taoism come to the world, the life stories of the ancient Taoist scholars such as Lao-zi and Zhuang-zi, their holy book Tao Te King, and the developing process of Taoism for the time being.In the second chapter, I try to explain the general beliefs of Taoists. For instance, their gods, holy books, practices, temples, priests, sects, and why they burn money, and so on. In the third chapter, I try to give some information about the general situation of Taoism outside of the PRC. As a result, I have seen that how did Taoism, which is one of the oldest ancient religions in the world that has been changed into pantheism today.Item Uygur Türklerinin dini inanışları(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2006) Abudukelimu, Bumairimu; Erdem, Mustafa; İlahiyatAbudukelimu, Bumarimu, Religious Beliefs of the Uyghur Turks,Master?s Thesis, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Mustafa Erdem, 136p.This thesis entitled as Religious Beliefs of the Uyghur Turks composed ofan introduction and four chapters.In introduction, I tried to explain the main purpose of this thesis,methods and the resources, which I drew on. And I also tried to give someinformation about Uyghurs? ethnic identity, brief history and geographiclocations.In the first chapter, I provide a brief introduction of the ancient religiousbeliefs of the Uyghurs before Islam, such as the traditional beliefs of the Turkicpeople, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Manichaeism and Nestorian Christianity.In the second chapter, I tried to explain how the Uyghurs converted toIslam. Besides this, the Hodjas? tumult was exhibited.In the third chapter, I tried to make clear the Chinese policy towards theUyghur Muslims; also I have mentioned the Christian missionary activities inthe Uyghur region for the time being.In the forth and last chapter, I tried to give some information aboutnowadays Uyghurs? folklore, which have been continuing since timesimmemorial to nowadays. This chapter forms the important body of this thesis,because it tells the similarities and special features between Uyghurs and otherTurkic people.As a result, I have seen that Uyghur people, as a part of Turkic nation,have a long-standing culture, which was similar with other Turks outside China.Today their freedoms of religious belief are limited by the Chinese government,and they are at the risk of loss their belief.