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Item Birinci ve ikinci dönem Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi'nde din eğitimi din hizmetleri ve dini yayın konularında yapılan müzakereler üzerine bir araştırma(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1991) Bulut, Mehmet; Bilgin, Beyza; İlahiyatEach der E'röffnung der grossen Nationalversammlung in Ankara war das Ministerium für Religions-und Stiftungs- angelegenheiten auch ein Ministerium der A,iinister±en d es gebildeten Minesterrats(Kabinett) Das Ministerium für Religons-und Stiftungsangelegen- heiten führte mit seinem in dem Struktur gegründeten Einheiten den Religionsdienst und nebenbei auch. religi ose Jiusbildung und Verö'ffentlichung. Religiose Ausbildung,leistungen und Veröffentlichungen, meistens im Rahmen des Dienst dieses Minis teriums, ware n in bedeutenstem Masse in Tagung der nationalen Yersamm- lung Platz genommen. İm besonderen wurden zwischen 1922-1924 dieae Themen in Versammlung ab un zu beschprochen,disskutiert und sich um die Lösung dieser Probleme die wichtige Meinun*-- gen herausgestellt,somit eine ftühe um die Lösung die ser Dienste gegeben. Waehrend der zweiten Wendezeit der Mationalversammlung in Kraft tret enden "Vereinlgung der Erziehung" im 1924 -I-wurden ein Teil dea exiziitierenden Medrese'a zu theo- logischen Schulen gewandelt und die anderen geschloss- aen.Auf anweisendes Urteil dea aelben Gesetaez wurde in Universitaet von Istanbul eine Thelogiefakultaet eröffnet um Yorlesungen-Hochthelogie zu erteilen. lach dem die religiose Erziehung unter die kontrolle dea Kultusministeriams geriet, wurde dasselbe Thema in "ersammlung weiter ein Soharfpunkt der Interesse ge- worden. Aufl der anderen Seite wurde daa Ministerium für Reli- giöse-und Stiftungsangelegenheiten aufgelöst und an- stelle dieses Ministeriums das Praesidium für religiö- sen Angelegenheiten gegrlindet.Diese Organisation wurde beauftragt um die religöse Dienste in der i'ürkei zu fiihren. Die Religonsdienste und religiose Yeröffentlichungen im Rahmen des Praesidiums für religiösen Angelegenhei ten sind noch das Thema der Yersammlung. Mit dieser Bearbeitung wurde es angestrebt,die Disku- tionen über die religiose Srziehung, religiose Bienste und religiose Veröffentllcungen fdie waehrend 1924- 1927 nach Revolutionen von 1920-1924, den wir als ¥ende- punkt bezeichnen können,intensiv realisiert worden war, festzustellen. -II-Bei dieser Bearbeitımg wurden die Protokolle von 8 jahren der Yersammlung geprüft. Waehrend der tfestatellung wurde es beabsichtigt,die.'-'igftusionen der selbetı Art heutzutage zu beleuchten, «#®* £.. 30. -III-Item Cumhuriyetten sonra Türkiye'de din eğitimini bilimselleştirme faaliyetleri(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1999) Arıcı, İsmail; Bilgin, Beyza; İlahiyatThe Purpose of this study called, Scientificational Activities in Religious Education in Turkey after the Repuplic, is as a independent scientific branch "Science of Religious Education" in Turkey, to determine effective opinions which appear and activities in this direction and to search for the process of being scientific branch of Religious Education. In first chapter is explained under the "Conceptual Framework" such like concept; "Science", "Scientificiation", "Science of Education", "Science of* Religious Education". In second chapter dealth with stages that Religious Education and Training pass and is studied scientification of methods in Religious Education and Training and scientific issues in educating teachers, In third chapter is put forth preparing reasons of being in a independent sicentific branch of Religious Education and explained the emergency and the r development of Scientific Branch of Religious Education. Finally, scientific studies conducted in the field of Science of Religious Education are introduced.Item Bir davranış geliştirme modeli olarak ittika(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2001) Öz, Ayşe; Bilgin, Beyza; FelsefeIn the following years from the onset of the Islam, islamic scholars focused on the concept of" takva" because of the importance given to this concept by Qoran. In the books which are interpreting and explaining Qoran the concept of "takva" is explained as being afraid, protecting one's self from the things leading to the wrong, abandoning sins, protecting one's self from attributing a partner to God, abstaining from the prohibitions of God and refraining one's self from the big sins. In the texts of Sufism (tasavvuf) this concept is understood as obeying God, abstaining from attributing a partner to God and from the things which are wicked and sin, refraining from the things which may be sin. It is also explained as turning away from the worldly goods and things and being grateful for what one has got and being patient for what one hasn't got There are confusions between those who want to maintain the old understanding of this concept mat is being afraid of God, protection and abstention and those who are in the academic cicles and interpret the religion according to the modern ages. Besides, there is a remarkable influence of religious groups on bom sides. Nevertheless in our approach, this concept is explained as being aware of one's potential, being free in the process of realizing one's self, loving anything created by God and behaving with a profound responsibility against God. Finally the argument that this aproach could be used in education for "behaviour improving" is presented and widely discussed. 77Item Dini yönelim düzeyi ile sınav kaygısı ilişkisi ve sınav kaygısında hipnoterapi(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1997) Onay, Ahmet; Bilgin, Beyza; DilbilimiThe Master's thesis named The Relation Between Level of Religious Devotion and the Hypnotherapy of Exam Anxiety consists of two sections. In the first section, the terms religious devotion level and test anxiety were clarified and an inventory was developed to measure the religious devotions of individuals. This inventory with test anxiety and trait anxiety inventories have been carried out on 71 1 students in order to find out the relationship between the level of the individuals' religious devotion and the level of their test anxiety and trait anxiety. The results have shown that there is a negative and meaningful correlation between the individuals' level of religious devotion and their level of test and trait anxiety. In the second section, after giving information about the history of hypnosis, weather or not its scientific, its beneficial and harmful sides and its fields of usage, the effect of hypnotherapy on test anxiety has been searched out. Hypnosis has been done on 37 students that have participated in the research. After the hypnotherapy the difference between the test anxiety and trait anxiety of the students, having entered at least two exams, have been measured. As a conclusion, it has been observed that hypnotherapy on test anxiety is indeed a very effective method.Item Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı'nın yaygın din eğitimindeki yeri(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1997) Bulut, Mehmet; Bilgin, Beyza; FelsefeThis work deals with the educational activities of the Presidency of Religious Affairs which is responsible for "executing works relating to Islamic faith, wors hipping and moral principles, enlightening public on religion and managing wors hiping places" in the period of Turkish Republic. In this study the historical process has been followed and the method of archive scanning has been used. In addition, the activities of Religious Affairs Administration on the way of enlightining people on religious subjects have been tackled. And accordingly we analysed the means it used to educate people, the places and staff it used in order to realize its objectives. This study consists of four chapters excluding an introduction and a conclusion. In the introduction, we treated religious education and tried to give a conceptual analysis of this sub-discipline. In the second chapter religious education has been exa mined in the context of historical process and religious institutions. In the third chap ter the historical development of the Presidency of Religious Affairs Administration has been given. In the fourth chapter the educational activities of the Religious Affa irs Administration have been treated. In this chapter we analysed in detail the means of education and staff it recuited to educate people. In the last chapter we summarised the subject, evaluated the wide range of its activities and subsequently made some proposals. In assessing the religious education, the main problem has been tried to be determined, the place of Religious Affairs in this educational process has been emp hasised and the problem of to what extent it can contribute to the education has been tried to be answered. T.C. YÜKSEKÖ?RETİM KURii;Item Eğitim bilimi ve din eğitimi(Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi, 1988) Bilgin, Beyza; İlahiyat; İlahiyat FakültesiItem F. Almanya'da yaşayan Türklerin din eğitimlerinde caminin yeri ve din görevlilerinin yeterlilikleri(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1992) Tosun, Cemal; Bilgin, Beyza; İlahiyatIntroduction, General Personal Information about the people who were inquired religious education in mosques in Germany, results and some suggestion. As foundation, mosques has great function in the social life of the Turks in Germany,. For this reason, they are places where many socio-culturel and sporting activities besides reli gious services and education are done. This is a result of the effort of Turkish people the£e arisen from their needs. Education in mosques by preaching has great importance. The courses, organized there for children, to"reâd the Qur.'an. and target religious knowledge need to be improved in both teaching methods and the contents of lessons. The most expectetions of their parents from mosques and their culturel enviroment are the children and young to be well- educated, to gain their culturel identities and continue them. It seems to me that the success of religious education in mosques depends to a great extend on the cooperation of the parents, imams and teachers of religious knowladge'Item Hayata anlam vermeye din öğretiminin katkısı(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2002) Akıncı, Adem; Bilgin, Beyza; FelsefeThis thesis examines the contribution of religion in general and of Islam in particular to the need and nature of human beings' search for meaning in life. The thesis specifically investigates the role and importance of search for meaning in life within the context of the principles and aims of religious education. The thesis has three chapters including an introduction. The Introduction explains the aim, importance, method, presuppositions, extension and limits of the topic. In addition, it gives information concerning the basic concepts which are used in the research. The First Chapter dwells upon the' foundations and consequences of search for meaning in life and explains the genuine need for a meaningful life. It also evaluates psychological, sociological and philosophical basis of search for meaning in life. The Second Chapter deals with the role of religion in search for meaning in life and the impact of religion in making life meaningful. After explaining the basic principles of the relationship between religion and search for meaning in life, the chapter investigates the impact of Islam in making life meaningful, and it studies which areas this impact is concentrated. It also examines the role of Islam in making life meaningful from the mental, spiritual, and social points of view. The Third Chapter investigates the place and importance of search for meaning in the religious education and makes an evaluation of this subject from the general aims of education. It examines the contribution of religious education in making life meaningful and explains how this contribution could be realized. In addition, the Chapter analyzes the principles of search for meaning life within the context of religious education. The thesis ends with a section which summarizes the results of the research and indicates relevant topics which might be investigated.Item II. Meşrutiyet Döneminde Batıcılık akımının din ve eğitim - öğretim görüşlerinin değerlendirilmesi(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1996) Doğan, Recai; Bilgin, Beyza; DilbilimiRecai: "An Evaluation of the Views of the Westernist School on Religion and Education during the Second Constitutional Period", Ph. D. Dissertation, Adviser: Prof. Dr. Beyza BÎLGİN, Ankara University, Divinity School, V+302 p. The Second Constitutional Period (1908-1918, from now on the SCP) has an important place in the Turkish History. The freedom of press and liberty that emerged in this period provided the required environment for free discussions in the press regarding survival of Ottoman State. Consequently, the schools of "Westernists, Islamicists, and Turkish Nationalists produced ideas to save the State and looked for remedies for its ills. These schools were able to present and debate their theories openly in the press. Education was one of the topics the SCP emphasized most. The idea that "only education can save the State from destruction" played an important role for education having this priority. In this study, I examined the views of Westernist school on modernization, religion and religious education in general. The dissertation has three chapters including an introduction and a conclusion. The introduction explains the topic of the research, its aim, importance and methodology. The first chapter, under the title "the Westernist School", examines the following topics: the birth of the Westernist School, its development and the progress of Westernizm in education before the SCP, the condition of the Westernist School during the SCP, the Schools' press and publications, and its leading thinkers. The chapter also examines the views of the Westernists School on modernization, religion, family, woman and related topics. The second chapter, under the title "The Educational Views of the Westernist School", investigates how the Westernist thinkers considered education instrumentally and which aspects of educational reform was given priority. This chapter also explains how the Westernist School considered education as a tool for creating an "elite" in society, and to enlighten people through education; the question of alphabet, individualization of education and its relation to practice, primary education and teachers are among the topics which are studied in this chapter. The third chapter examines the views of the Westernist School on the religious education. It focuses particularly on their ideas in the areas of religious and ethical education in madrasas and secondary schools. Furthermore, this chapter studies the School's views on preaching and preachers, imams, khutbas and translation of the Qur'an into Turkish etc. which constitute an important part of adult religious education. The conclusion gives a summary of the results of the research and investigates briefly the influences of the Westernist School on the educational movements during the SCP.Item İslam gerçeği(Ankara Üniversitesi, 1995) Atay, Hüseyin; Öztürk, Yaşar Nuri; Bilgin, Beyza; Ayas, Rami; Güneş, Arif; Elik, Hasan; İlahiyat; İlahiyat FakültesiItem Kadınlar Dünyası gazetesinde eğitim ve öğretim(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1999) Latifoğlu, Atiye; Bilgin, Beyza; FelsefeThe paper of "Women World" had been published from 1913-1921 as the publication of Ottoman Defense Organization of Woman Rights under the period of Mashrutiyah II. This paper has a prominent amond others published in the same period. It brought forward many problems with regard to women especially to their education and made proposals as to solutions of these problems. It emphasised that to educate women comprising half to the population has a vital significiance for the future and welfare of the society. Primarily, it proposed the pre-elementary, and intermediary schools to be served in Istanbul and then in other provinces of Anatolia. In addition they did their best to make women use of whole stages of education including University level. The paper of Women World served both in organized education and non organized in order to educate elderly woman in fields of life. Besides, it undertook to open "Darussafaka" (House of Affection) where the orphans and similar people requiring affection were to care for. In this period when this paper was broadcasted much effort was made to educate women and lay the bases for a prosperous society. t* Tlpoiftirrliys kuholo NRnlAllTASYûi \Item Lise birinci sınıflarda okutulan din kültürü ve ahlak bilgisi dersinin öğrencilerin İslam dini dışındaki dinler hakkındaki bilgi ve düşüncelerine etkisi(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1996) Boran, Abdurrahman; Bilgin, Beyza; Eğitim Programı ve Öğretimi BölümüThe aim of this study is to determine, to whichextend the goal of the lesson named "Religious Culture and Thought of Morality " at fee first classes of high schools has been reached, and to suggest solutions according of.the results. In the study, nine middle schools having last classes and nine high schools having second classes have been taken in concern. One class from each school has sampled randomly. The sample group is total 756 stodens which is made up of 385 middle school and 371 high school stodens. A questionnaire having 24 question "was applied in the stedy. It is excepted that the dif ference between middle school and high school students depends on the teachig at first classes in high school. According to the results of the study, it has been esteblished that, fee knowledge of the stu dents about the religions except Islam is insufficient and the reasons of this situation aie the teachers, auxiliary sources and lesson books. Most of the stodens stated that their point of vie w get wider, their culture -sill be stronger and they will evaluate the evens on fee world better by learning fee other rebV gions* rules. Also feey said feat they would solve fee problems between fee members of the other reli gions and themselves. Most of fee stodens want to be free the other religions' worships and think fee members of three religions shouM have information about Islam. In order to reach, fee goals mentioned above, it was suggested to change fee theaching plan of this lesson, to be written the lesson books aga in, to be prepared auxiliary sources, to be teached this lesson by branch teachers, to be given impor- tance to the matter of intercultoral education at the Faculty of Theology, to be added anew unity asa tide of "EhH Kitap" to the topics in "Religious Culture and Thought of Morality Lesson", and to be added anew lesson named "Education Between Cultares" into the elective courses. 159Item Öğrenci gözüyle din kültürü ve ahlak bilgisi öğretmenlerinin sosyal ve pedagojik formasyonu(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1995) Öztürk, Hüseyin; Bilgin, Beyza; İlahiyatItem Osmanlı'nın son döneminde açılan mekteplerde din dersinin tarihi gelişimi (1773-1923)(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1994) Doğan, Recai; Bilgin, Beyza; Eğitim Programı ve Öğretimi BölümüThis thesis deals with the establishment of the religious education as independent subject in the curriculum and includes three chapters: The introduction explains the problematic of the research, its importance, its purpose, its presuppositions and methodology. The first chapter investigates the historical development of the educational institutions that provides systematic education; Medreses, Sibyân Schools, Enderun School. It also studies the reasons of the establishment of the modern schools as well as the Higher Military Schools that included the religion as an independent subject in their curriculum. The second chapter analyses the codes, statutes, and regulations regarding the religious education during the pre-and-post Tanzimat, Abdulhamid II and the Second Constitutional Government respectively. The third chapter gives a brief history of primary schools, Rusdiyes, Idadîs and Sultanî Teacher Training Schools, then investigates the curriculum of the primary, secondary and teacher training schools within the context of their the period and in the light of the codes, statutes and regulations that are determined in the previous chapter. Finally, the conclusion makes a general evaluation of the research. The modernization movements that started from the XVIII century required the organization of the institutions according to the contemporary conditions; therefore the new arrangements are carried out in the field of education. On the one hand, the attempts are made to reform the exiting institutions, and on the other, the new educational institutions are established. Since the reformation started first in the military, the Army and Naval Engineering Academies and Medical school were established. The philosophy of the educational reform movements during the Tanzimat period was to set up new educational institutions without destroying the old ones. The Tanzimat reformists adopted the idea of "Ottomanism" and tried to realize this within the schools that were build upon the European model. The politics of Ottomanism during the Tanzimat emphasized that the unity of Ottoman Empire will be secured through educating the children of various races and cultures around the same idea. The Tanzimat is a period of canonization rather than performance. The religious education took place as an independent subject next to other subjects in Idadis and Sultanis. The laws of Tanzimat were being put into practice during the reign of Abdulhamid II. During this period, the survival of the state was sought in the Pan-Islamic politics. Consequently, the religious education was established as a branch in all levels of education. The Second Constitutional Period was a time discussion and confusion. The Turkish nationalism movement that started in the later stages of Abdulhamid period, had influenced the education. However, the activities that resulted from the freedom of thought were realized at the theoretical level. The ideas that were discussed during this time were carried out during the Cumhuriyet period. The religious education as a subject was included in all levels of education.131 It cannot be said that practice matched theory in the educational reforms that were made between the years 1839-1923. The daily politics, the pacification strategies of Western states and the real modernization efforts had an impact on the activities. However, the educational reform gradually became the integral part of the general reform movements.Item Sağlık meslek liselerinde din kültürü ve ahlak bilgisi dersinin değerlendirilmesi (alan araştırması ile birlikte)(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1996) Yıldırım, Nural; Bilgin, Beyza; İlahiyatItem Urfa ve yöresinde yaygın din eğitimi (imamların mesleki imkanları ve problemleri ile ilgili alan araştırması)(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1997) Keyifli, Şükrü; Bilgin, BeyzaGiriş bölümünde problem geniş bir şekilde ortaya konmuş ve Yaygın Din Eğitimi hakkında teorik bilgiler incelendikten sonra Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı'na bağlı kurum ve kuruluşlarla ilgili de bazı değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır. Bu bölümde ayrıca araştırmanın amacı ve önemi, hipotezleri, yöntemi, evren ve örneklemi, anketin hazırlanış ve uygulanışı, verilerin değerlendirilmesi ve araştırma ile ilgili tanımlara yer verilmiştir. Birinci bölümde araştırmanın evrenini oluşturan Şanlıurfa'nın tarihi, kültürel ve dini hayatı araştırılmış ve halen Şanlıurfa'da faaliyetlerini sürdüren Yaygın Din Eğitimi kurumlan hakkında inceleme yapılmıştır. İkinci bölümde Şanlıurfa'da görev yapan İmam-Hatipler Hakkında Bilgiler ana başlığı altında; İmam-Hatiplerin kişisel özellikleri, İmam-Hatiplerin görevde yeterlilik durumları, eğitim yönünden yeterlilikleri, yeterliliklerini etkileyen faktörler, görevlerinin değerlendirilmesi, meslek dışı faaliyetleri, müftü ve cemaatleriyle ilişkileri ve eğitim ihtiyaçları ile ilgili konular İmam-Hatiplerden elde edilen bulgularla ortaya konmuş ve bu bulgular araştırmanın amaçlan ve bu alandaki teorik bilgiler de dikkate alınarak yorumlanmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde de Camilerde yapılan Yaygın Din Eğitimi faaliyetleri çerçevesinde hutbeler ve vaazlar incelenmiştir. Bu bölümde özellikle cemaatin ilgi duyduğu hutbe ve vaaz konulan ve bunların sunuluş şekilleri ile hutbe ve vaazların seçilmesinde etkili olan bazı faktörler deneklerden elde edilen bilgilere göre yorumlanmaya çalışılmıştır. Dördüncü ve son bölümde ise araştırmada varılan sonuçlar ortaya konmuş ve bulgular ışığında öneriler geliştirilmiştir. Abstract The introduction explains the topic of the research, its aim, importance, methodology. Then the nature of academic orientation and pilot study are discussed. The first chapter examines the historical, cultural and religious life of Şanlıurfa and religious education institutions which maintain their functions in Şanlıurfa now. In the second chapter, the empirical base of the topics is studied. In this part, we applied to the opinions of Imams and Muftis. The second chapter, under the title "The Knowledges concerning Imam-Hatiphs who were charged with in Şanlıurfa" examines the following topics: The personal characteristics of İmam-Hatiphs, Their capacities and qualificaions in their professions, their efficiency in terms of education, the factors that influence their efficiency, The evaluation of their services and the relations with their Muftis and community (camaat). The knowledges and biographic data from the field on imams concerning these topics were interpreted and discussed according to the aims of research and its theoretical base. The third chapter investigates The Preaching and Khutbas in mosques. Particularly, in this chapter, The Preaching and Khutbas topics that the people show interest and the types presentations of these topics and the factors that influence The choose of the Preaching and Khutbas were examined and interpreted according to data received from Imams. In the fourth and final chapter a summary of the research is given, a conclusion is reached and some suggestions are made.