Osmanlı'nın son döneminde açılan mekteplerde din dersinin tarihi gelişimi (1773-1923)
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Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
This thesis deals with the establishment of the religious education as independent subject in the curriculum and includes three chapters: The introduction explains the problematic of the research, its importance, its purpose, its presuppositions and methodology. The first chapter investigates the historical development of the educational institutions that provides systematic education; Medreses, Sibyân Schools, Enderun School. It also studies the reasons of the establishment of the modern schools as well as the Higher Military Schools that included the religion as an independent subject in their curriculum. The second chapter analyses the codes, statutes, and regulations regarding the religious education during the pre-and-post Tanzimat, Abdulhamid II and the Second Constitutional Government respectively. The third chapter gives a brief history of primary schools, Rusdiyes, Idadîs and Sultanî Teacher Training Schools, then investigates the curriculum of the primary, secondary and teacher training schools within the context of their the period and in the light of the codes, statutes and regulations that are determined in the previous chapter. Finally, the conclusion makes a general evaluation of the research. The modernization movements that started from the XVIII century required the organization of the institutions according to the contemporary conditions; therefore the new arrangements are carried out in the field of education. On the one hand, the attempts are made to reform the exiting institutions, and on the other, the new educational institutions are established. Since the reformation started first in the military, the Army and Naval Engineering Academies and Medical school were established. The philosophy of the educational reform movements during the Tanzimat period was to set up new educational institutions without destroying the old ones. The Tanzimat reformists adopted the idea of "Ottomanism" and tried to realize this within the schools that were build upon the European model. The politics of Ottomanism during the Tanzimat emphasized that the unity of Ottoman Empire will be secured through educating the children of various races and cultures around the same idea. The Tanzimat is a period of canonization rather than performance. The religious education took place as an independent subject next to other subjects in Idadis and Sultanis. The laws of Tanzimat were being put into practice during the reign of Abdulhamid II. During this period, the survival of the state was sought in the Pan-Islamic politics. Consequently, the religious education was established as a branch in all levels of education. The Second Constitutional Period was a time discussion and confusion. The Turkish nationalism movement that started in the later stages of Abdulhamid period, had influenced the education. However, the activities that resulted from the freedom of thought were realized at the theoretical level. The ideas that were discussed during this time were carried out during the Cumhuriyet period. The religious education as a subject was included in all levels of education.131 It cannot be said that practice matched theory in the educational reforms that were made between the years 1839-1923. The daily politics, the pacification strategies of Western states and the real modernization efforts had an impact on the activities. However, the educational reform gradually became the integral part of the general reform movements.
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