Kuzeydoğu Asya bölge sisteminde Kuzey ve Güney Kore: Soğuk savaş sonrası dönem (1991-2001)
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The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the Northeast Asian regional system and the position of North and South Koreas within the system in the post- Cold War era. It also endeavors to investigate the reasons behind the failure of North and South Koreas' unification, while Germany, Vietnam and Yemen, which were divided in the Cold War era, were successfully united. In order to analyze this issue, it is necessary to understand and clarify the Northeast Asian regional system thoroughly. The theoretical framework of the study adopts the neorealist approach which was developed by Kenneth N. Waltz. In the light of the theory, four main hypotheses, which were confirmed by the main findings of the study, are developed. The main findings of the study are as follows; Firstly, the states in the Northeast Asian sub-system behave according to their national interests. Conflicting interests of the great powers (USA, Japan, China, Russia), which mainly determine the system in the region, prevent such unification. Secondly, the actors in the Northeast Asian sub-system carry out a balancing strategy against each other. While Korean Peninsula plays a vital role for the balancing strategy of those countries, none of them wants a sudden Korean unification. Thirdly, the balance which was established during the Cold War era in Northeast Asia has been continuation of the status quo. The most significant evidence of the status quo was the inability of Koreas to unify even though it has been more than a decade since the Cold War ended. Fourthly, the Northeast Asian regional system directly affects international system since four of five states (except the EU), which can shape the world order, are based in the region. Furthermore, Norm and South Koreas, too, are militarily and economically significant mid-size powers that can disturb both regional and international balance of power. As a result, all states in the Northeast Asian sub-system are in favor of the continuity of the current status quo. One cannot expect such unification as long as this regional balance remains unchanged. Keywords: Northeast Asian Regional System, Korean Unification, Neorealism, Balance of Power, Great Powers.
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