Zeydiyye-Mu'tezile etkileşimi ve Kasım er-Ressi

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Part One Is titled as 'The Short History of Zaydiyya and Mu'tazila and their views". In this part, firstly, formation of Mu'tazila and Zaydiyya Sects is mentioned then dealt with comparatively their carry adherents' opinions. It is pointed out the snared principles of both Second Part's title is "First Zaydiyya-Mu'tazila Interaction". In this part it is dwelled upon the relation between Zaid ibn AB and Wasil ibn Atâ. After tins it is dealt with the first Mu'tazilities' attitudes in Alid's revolts till HI./IX. Century. It is pointed out the degree of interaction by dwelling upon persons and their views who are mentioned Mu'tazilities and joined in this revolts in historical books. It is mentioned about the opinion of Imâmate of the Mafdul in Mu'tazila. Part Three is titled as "The Place of al-Kâsim al-Rassî in the Interaction of Zaydiyya and Mu'tazila". It's explained the life and epistles of al-Kâsim ibn Ibrâhîm al-Rassî. After this al-Kâsim's place in the interaction of the two sects is examined with respect to the methods and arguments and especially from point of the first three of Five Fundamental Principles. al- Kâsim's views about this three principles is explained and compared with Mu'taztta's. Son» of conclusions to which we reached in our thesis: The claim that Mu'tastila's Five Fundamental Principles passed to Zaydiyya by Zaid b. AB from Wasil ibn Atâ and also the claim that Zaid and Wasil had received the Mu'taziiite view from the same class of students is improbable from the point of historical realities. The persons who are mentioned as Zaidites and Mn'tazuites in historical books had joined in revolt of lbrâhîm ibn Abdillâh (145/762) together and they had together acted in other some Alid's revolts. But it's not mentioned any thing about these persons' views. Therefore any comparison between their views is improbable. To the beginnings of EL/DC Century although some of the persons who were reported as Zaidites had agreed witlt Mu'tazila in a few questions, as the Creation of the Kur'an and the refutation of tashbîh, they had been in a fatalistic position in all views. The first three principles of tile Five Fundamental Principles are firstly seen in al- Kâsim's epistles from Zaydiyya. Although there are some different points, al-Kâsim generally asserts parallel views with Mu'tazila in these three principles, in the method and argumentation. The circumstances with which later Zaidites had adopted the Five Fundamental P



