8 ve 11 yaş grubundaki çocuklarda itiş kakış oyunu ile başatlık ve sosyometrik kategoriler arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi
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Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationshipbetween frequencies of playing rough and tumble game; gender, roughand tumble play and dominance, and sociometric categories in 8-11 agechildren. It is important to understand the immediate and delayedfunctions of play for a healthy developmental continuum.Besides, physical part of the play is not only important for thephysical development but also cognitive performance resulting fromthese physical activities.This descriptive study aims to understand the relationshipbetween rough and tumble play, dominance and socio-metriccategories in 8-11 age children who attended summer school. Roughand tumble play frequency and dominance, and socio-metric categoriesare tested by age as an independent variable. Independent variables areage and gender and dependent variables of the study are rough andtumble game, dominance, and socio-metric categories.Sample of the study were 35 students between the age of 8-11who attended Ankara Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksek Okulusummer school. In the first part of the study, frequecy of playing roughand tumble play in free activity time researched. In second part of thestudy, researcher observed playing rough and tumble game in terms ofits relation with dominance and socio-metric relations in 21 boys due tolack of rough and tumble game in girl sample.In order to collect data from sample; a) students activitiesrecorded in order to determine the activities in the free play time. Thenthis recordings evaluated by ?Classifying Free Activity TimeCategories? (Humpreys ve Smith, 1987); b) ?Nomination Method? isused to determine socio-metric categories and ?Nomination Method forStrengt Level? used to determine dominace. SPSS used to analize thedata. Frequency of rough and tumble play is determined by timesampling method and evaluated by observed ratio in total free playtime. Kruskal Wallis test used to determine if there is a meaningfuldifference between frequency of playing rough and tumble game; levelof dominace and socio-metric categories.Results of the study suggests that there is a significantdifference between rough and tumble play and gender. But, norealtionship have found between rough and tumble play and level ofdominace in boys. Results also showed that there is a meaningfulrelationsip between rough and tumble game and sociometriccategories.Key Words: Rough and tumble play, dominance, sociometriccategories.
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