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Our thesis named ?The Belief of Ghayba (Occultation) and its Role in Shi?ism? isconsist of three parts. In the introduction part, some evolutions were made on the methodwe followed and on works we used. Then, the terms ?ghayba? and ?raj`at? (resurrection ofthe Prophet?s household) which form the foundation of this belief and meanings they get inthe historical process are dealth with.In the first part, historical backgraund of occultation thought and its firstappearings among the muslims were taken up. Here firstly, socio-cultural, religional andlegendary factors affecting the formatin of occultation belief were investigated. And then,the first occultation allegations among muslims were put on the agenda. And first partwhich is begun with Muhammad b. Al-Hanafiyya?s occultations allocations was endedwith the period in which Yahya b. Umar?s occultation thought is alleged pervasively.In the Shia the most important development concerned with occultation thoughtwas experienced with the death of eleventh imam Hasan al-Askari. In the second part inwhich we dealt with this issue, firstly political situation before Hasan al-Askari wasoutlined and then was touched to the seperations which appeared after his death amongShi?ites. Wikala (agency) issue which forms the other aspect of these discussions wasinvestigated elaborately. Before going through Imamite Shi?ite?s occultation belief, somefamilies and persons who made effect on the formation of this idea like Navbahti Familywere studied.Altough the third part is allocated to occultation idea?s transformation to acomplete faith together with Imamite Shi?ites. In this part firstly, books written onoccultation were investigated. And then, to the Muhammad Mahdi?s occultation issue wascome in. Here, issues such as causes of occultation, its duration, two occultations, thenature of occultation, its theological foundadions and massianism of twelfth imam wereinvestigated very elaborately. In this section where also Twelve Imam Shi?ites wereinvestigated, issues and concepts such as twelve imam, Imamiyyah and Ithna?ashariyyawere dealt with. Finally, some evoluations were made on this thought?s affect on Shi?iteand concerned with the last stuation to which Imamite Shi?ites reached.