Modern Arap şiirinde divan ekolünün yeri

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After Napoleon Bonaparte's occupation of Egypt in 1798 a new term started which was called Modern Period in Arabic literature. The government of Egypt had sent the students to Paris by giving schoolarship and they had an opportunity to learn about French culter and literature deeply there. In a short time they had been effected by French literature. In 1882 with English occupation of Egypt, English romanticism was seen in arabic literature because English was taught in the schools instead of French. Under the great influence of English literature the School of Dîwan appeared in Arabic literature. Shukrî, al-'Aqqâd and Mâzinî were the innovators who had supported that there had to be several changes in arabic poetry. This new school was called as Dîwan because of the book which had been published in 1921. ed-Dîwan was written by al-'Aqqâd and Mâzinî and later Shukrî joined them because he had shared their ideas related to the poetry. The Dîwan school was a strong reaction against neo-classicsts. They criticized the language and the poetic form of the neo-classicists. They thought that their method was too traditional and time-worn. They had a big arqument with classical poets because of their style related to the poetry. From the first ages of the Arabic poetry there had been literary criticism among the poets. The poets used to read their best poems in front of the committe and this committee used to choose the best poems. In the Islamic Period literary criticism had been developed. Because ed-Dîwan was the first book related to literary criticism in modern Arabic poetry, it was assigned a great importance. This school didn't have a chance of developing the modern Arabic poetry for a long time because of the arguments between Shukrî and Mâzinî. Shukrî insisted that Mâzinî had plagiarize some parts of poems from English poets. It wasn't possible for him to accept plagiarism. Mâzinî could't help giving several answers to Shukrî. He blamed him that he imitated the european poets and writers and he didn't care about creating his own style. So he wasn't acceptable as a creative poet. Mâzinî wrote two articles under the title the Lord of the Toys and he criticized Shukrî related to his personal character. After this argument, both of them stopped writing poems for many years. According to the Dîwan school, feelings, imagination and personal experiences should be seen in a poem. Individualism and personal point of view is also very important. They use natural elements in the poetry because there is a strong connection between romanticism and nature. After the poets of this school had separated because of several reasons, a new romantic school which was called Apollo took a great role in the poetry. This school went on until the Second World War. But after the Second World War romantic poetry started to pale in Egypt and in a short time it disappeared completeley related to the bad and sad situations in the country.



Divan, Romantizm, Edebi eleştiri
