Bişr b. el-Mu'temir ve Mu'tezile'nin Bağdat ekolünün doğuşu
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Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
SUMMARY Hakyemez Cemü, Birth of Baghdad School of "Bişr b. el-Mu'temir" and Mutezilah, Master Thesis, Advisor: Proff Hasan Onat, 94 p. In the preface of our Thesis for our Master's Degree called "Bişr b. el-Mu'temir ve Mu'tezilenin Bagdad Ekolü' nün Doğuşu" (Birth of Baghdad School of "Bişr b. el- Mu'temir" and "Mu'tezilah") information is given about methodic principles to be followed up by ourselves in our Study and then resources have been evaluated, and later on however different rumours related with the birth of the concept of "Mu'tezile" (Mutazilah) have been dealt with and evaluated In the first section life of "Bişr b. el-Mu 'temir" has been dealt with by its different aspects and evaluated, then his works have been included In this section, due to the fact that nothing has been reached to date, based on his various thoughts, hypotheses concerning contents of his works have been put forth. Also in this section his poems that great majority of them have been narrated by "Cahiz" have been dealt with in different approaches. In the second section of our study, views which had been attributed to "Bişr b. el- Mu'temir" have been gathered together in sources and a global evaluation has been made, and particularly focus has been made on his "tevellüd" (birth) theory called by his name In the third section however, in the period in which "Bişr b. el-Mu'temir, religious, social and cultural factors which caused Mutezilah of Baghdad, founded by himself, to have been separated from Mutezilah of Basra, and thus appearing it as a different school, have been studied To this end relation between "Mu'tezile" and "Şia" and in this respect the issue of "İmamet" (the quality or office of an imam) which was asserted that it had been the most effective factor in differentiation between Baghdad and Basra has been comprehensively discussed
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