Fethullah Şirvani ve Mecelletun Fi'l-Musika adlı eserinin XV. yüzyıl Türk musikisi nazariyatındaki yeri
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Fathullah Shirwani (d. 891/1486) is a prominent scholar who lived in the XVth century. He was originally form Azarbaycan and studied with the famous scholars of his time advancing himself in the religious and positive sciences. Shirwani who was well known in astronomy and mathematics also wrote on theology, Qur'anic commentary and music. Majalîafî al-mûsîqa is Shirwanfs only treatise devoted to music. In writing this treatise, the author used the following works: al-Shifâ and "Risâla fî al-mûsîqa" (al-Risâla al-mulhaqa bi kitâb al-najâf) of Ibn Sînâ (d. 370-429/980-1037); al- Sharafıyya and al-Adwâr of Safiyyu'd-Dîn Abd al-Mu'min al-Urmawî (d. 613- 693/1216-1294) and various commentaries of al-Adwar; On the Knowledge of Numbers of Nicomachus (Ith century); Tahrîr Euclid fî usûl al-handasa wa al-hisâb and Ahlaq an-Nâsiriyya of Nasîru'd-Dîn al-Tûsî (d. 1201-1274); Mafâîîh al- 'ulûm of Abû Abdillâh Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Yûsuf al-Kharazmî who is known as Sâhib al- Mafâtih (lived in the second half of IV/Xth century); and finally the works of Plato (BCE 428-348) and Euclid (approximately BCE 300). There is only one complete version of the treatise which discusses the XVth century Theory of Turkish Music. If we except the works of Abd al-Qadir Maraghî (d. 1360-1435), Majalla aî-mûsîqa with its important content and style has an prominent place among the sources of the history of Turkish Music. Although Shirwani did not develop a new theory in this work, he organized the information that he collected from existing sources in a systematic way and used a style of his own in its compilation. Therefore, our work indicates the historical importance and documentary value of this treatise and its author for the Theory of Turkish Music. We can summarize our work as following: