1924?1940 yılları arasında ilkokul, ortaokul ve liselerde okutulan ders kitaplarında din ve dinler

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Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü


In this study; how figured the phenomenon of religion in elementary school, secondary school and high school textbooks, is studied between the years of 1924-1940. Because education is generally affected by the political views of the day; during the first years of Republic understandings of education and religion can be seen in textbooks.In this research; content analysis mehtod ,which is proper for the aim, is used Phenomenon of religious that take place in the text book is ascertained a according to the approach of religious education and this research we have discussed the problem. With reference to this ; evidences of phenomenon of religion is seen in the History,Morality and The Civilized Information for Citizen books.During the first years of Republic,it is seen that the education programs had changed in two or three years intervals but the books didn?t have any important changes. Furthermore ,according to evidences from analyzed textbooks it is discovered for religion that sometimes an embracing manner and sometimes an excluding manner was held in the textbooks.



Ders kitapları, Din, Din eğitimi
