Elmalılı Muhammed Hamdi Yazır'ın hak dini Kuran dili adlı eserinde Hıristiyanlıkla ilgili değerlendirmeleri
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The thesis consists of an intraduction and three chapters. n the intorduction, the aim, limits, method and sources of thesis have been dealt with, and the information of Hamdi Yazır?s life, Works and his scholarly personality has been given. n the first chapter, the views of Hamdi Yazır about family of mran, the virgin Maria and creation of christ without father, his being a word and soul from God have been examined. n the second chapter, the death of christ, his lifting and descending have been studied. Hamdi yazır?s views. Of these matters have been put forward. Addition other commentators views and Hamdi Yazır?s have been compared. n the third chapter, the main beliefs of chris tians and their grounding by christians have bean dealt with, an Muhammed Hamdi yazır?s views an criticisms of these mahhers have been explained. Besides, the matters of debate between muslims and christans have been touched upon.
Elmalılı Muhammed Hamdi Yazır, Kuran dili, Hıristiyanlık