Yahudilik Hiristiyanlık ve İslam'in putperestliğe bakışı (kutsal kitaplar açısından bir yaklaşım)

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Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü


This study entitled as ?View of Judaism, Christianity and Islam To Idolatry? (An Evaluation From The Point Of Holy Books) in? are composed of one introduction part, four body parts and one conclusion part.In the beginning, the aim and importance of the thesis; meaning of the word ?idol? and its idiom were explained. We thought that it was suitable to mention about the ?meaning of God for the idolaters? in the beginning as it gave main ideas on the issue.In the first part, as the title ? the meaning of idolatry in Judaism? suggested, such topics as God in Judaism; idols and idolaters in holy books; the reasons of forbidding idolatry and worship in Judaism were told.In the second part, as the title ?the meaning of idolatry in Christianity? suggested, such topics as God in Christianity; idols and idolatry in New Testament; reasons of forbidding idolatry and worship in Christianity were told.In the third part, as the title ?the meaning of idolatry in Islam? suggested, such topics as God in Islam; idols and idolaters in the Holy Koran; idols and idolaters in hadiths; reasons of forbidding idolatry and worship in Islam were told.In the fourth part, as the title ?Comparison? were told suggested, such topics as Jew?s view on Christianity and Islam; Christian?s view on Judaism an Islam and Muslim?s view on Judaism and Christianity were told.Finally, as a result what has been investigated in research were told.Jews and Muslims share the same unification belief, but in Christianity, there is Trinity belief: the union of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.Judaism, Christianity and Islam accept that everything being idolized rather than the God is idol and everyone who idolize is idolater.In this three religions, idols and idolatry are certainly forbidden. It is accepted as polytheism to idolize and its punishment is eternal hell. Idolaters are characterized by evil things.In Judaism, Christianity and Islam, there are some differences in their views on God and worships to God, but their views on idols and idolaters aren?t different. Therefore, these three religions have more unifying aspects rather than their discriminating ones.



Din, Yahudilik, Hristiyanlık
