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Item Pınarbaşı (Kayseri) florası üzerinde farmasötik botanik yönünden araştırmalar(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2002) Gençler, Ayşe Mine Özkan; Koyuncu, MehmetPınarbaşı (Kayseri) Florası Üzerinde Farmasötik Botanik Yönünden Araştırmalar Bu çalışma İç Anadolu Bölgesi'nin güney-doğusu'nda bulunan Pınarbaşı İlçesi'nin flora ve halk ilaçlarını araştırmak amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bölge, aynı zamanda Davis' in Türkiye Florası'nda kullandığı sisteme göre B6 karesi ve İran-Turan fitocoğrafik bölgesi içindedir. 1999-2002 yıllan arasında çalışma alanından toplanan bitki örneklerinin değerlendirilmesi sonucunda 80 familya ve 329 cinse ait 735 tür belirlenmiştir. Bu türlerden 5 tanesi Pteridophyta, 730 tanesi ise Spermatophyta bölümüne aittir. Gymnospermae ve Angiospermae alt bölümleri sırasıyla 4 ve 726 türe sahiptirler. Angiospermae' ye ait türlerden 58'i Monocotyledones, geriye kalanı ise (667) Dicotyledones'e aittir. Çalışma alanında belirlenen endemik takson sayısı 142, buna bağlı olarak bulunan endemizm oram % 19,3 'tür. Bitkilerin fitocoğrafik bölgelere dağılımı şu şekildedir: % 34,7 İran-Turan, % 7,8 Avrupa-Sibirya, % 5,7 Akdeniz elementi. Yayılış alam belirsiz ya da çok bölgeli türler ise % 51,8 oranındadır. İçerdiği tür sayısına göre en geniş 10 familya aşağıdaki şekilde belirlenmiştir; Compositae (% 15,2), Cruciferae (% 8,9), Labiatae (% 7,2), Fabaceae (% 6,8), Umbelliferae (% 5,5), Caryophyllaceae (% 5,1), Liliaceae (4,9 %), Boraginaceae (% 3,5), Rosaceae (% 3,5) and Scrophulariaceae (% 3,5). İçerdiği tür sayısına göre belirlenen 5 büyük cins ise şunlardır: Astragalus, Alyssum, Centaurea, Salvia ve Silene. Pınarbaşı İlçe merkezi ve köylerinde gerçekleştirilen etnobotanik çalışmalar ile 37 bitkinin geleneksel tedavide kullanıldığı belirlenmiştir. Bu tıbbi bitkiler genellikle mide rahatsızlıkları, egzema, öksürük, hemoroid ve yaraların tedavisinde kullanılmaktadır. Ayrıca Chrysophtalmum montanum, Cirsium libanoticum subsp. lycaonicum, Erysimum thyrsoideum, Sanguisorba minor subsp. muricata, Scrophularia libanotica subsp. libanotica var. cappadocica, Sideritis caesare gibi yeni, daha önce hiçbir yerde rastlanmamış halk ilaçları da kaydedilmiştir. Bu bitkilerin fitokimyasal tarama sonuçları- alkaloit, antrakinon, kumarin, flavonoit, saponin, tanen, kardiyoaktif glikozitler, antrasenozit ve uçucu yağ- da bu çalışmada bildirilmiş ve kuvvetli reaksiyon verenlerin daha ayrıntılı olarak araştırılması önerilmiştir. AbstractPharmaceutical Botany Research on the Flora of Pınarbaşı (Kayseri) This research was conducted to investigate the flora and the folk medicines of Pınarbaşı District situated in south-eastern part of Central Anatolia. It is also in Irano-Turanian phytogeographic region and B6 square in grid system adopted by Davis, Flora of Turkey. After the evaluation of the plant samples collected from the research area between the years of 1999-2002, 735 species belonging to 80 families and 329 genera were determined. In these species, 5. belong to Pteridophyta, 730 belong to Spermatophyta division. Gymnospermae and Angiospermae subdivisions have 4 and 726 species, respectively. 58 species of Angiospermae belong to Monocotyledones and the rest (667) belongs to Dicotyledones. 71 species are new records for the B6 grid square. The number of endemic taxa found in the research area is 142, so that the endemism ratio is 19,3 %. The rates of the species belonging to the certain phytogeographic regions are as follows: the Irano-Turanians 34,7 %, the Euro-Siberians 7,8 %, the Mediterraneans 5,7 %. The total rate of the cosmopolitan and phytogeographically unknown species is 51,8 %. The largest 10 families according to their species number in the area as follows: Compositae (15,2 %), Cruciferae (8,9 %), Labiatae (7,2 %), Fabaceae (6,8 %), Umbelliferae (5,5 %), Caryophyllaceae (5,1 %), Liliaceae (4,9 %), Boraginaceae (3,5 %), Rosaceae (3,5 %) and Scrophulariaceae (3,5 %). The largest 5 genera according to their species are as follows: Astragalus, Alyssum, Centaurea,, Salvia and Silene. During the ethnobotanical researches in the villages of Pınarbaşı, it has been also determined that 37 of collected plants are used in traditional medicine. Some of them (Chrysophtalmum montanum, Cirsium libanoticum subsp. lycaonicum, Erysimum thyrsoideum, Sanguisorba minor subsp. muricata, Scrophularia libanotica subsp. libanotica var. cappadocica, Sideritis caesare) were newly recorded.These folk medicinal plants have been mostly used for the treatment of stomach and pulmonary ailments, eczema, cough, diabetes, hemorrhoids and wounds. The results of phytochemical screening of these plants -with the data on alkaloids, antraquinones, coumarins, fiavonoids, saponins, tannins, cardiac glycosides* antrasennosides and essential oils- are also reported in this research.Item Rhus coriaria L. (sumak) bitkisi yaprak ve meyvaları üzerinde formakognozik çalışmalar(Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1989) Köroğlu, Ayşegül; Koyuncu, Mehmet; Eczacılık64 - SUMMARY This research is carried out on the leaves and fruits ^ fihuş coriaria L. which has economical importance for Turkey. The samples that are collected from two different regions ( Artvin and Küt ) have been campared and contrasted anato mically» morphologically and chemically. In this study morphologic and anatomic properties of the leaves and fruits of this plant examined in detail and illustrated. The transversesection of foliol and fruits are examined in suitable reagents ar nder microscope and anatomical elements are illustrated. During chemical studies, active substances are identi fied and these groups ( anthocyanosides, tannins, volatile oil and fixed oil ) are determined quantitatively. Furthermore/ the properties of fixed oil in fruits are determined and the methyl esters prepared from this oil are examined by GLC. İn this study, it is found out that pericarp and semen of the fruit contain palmitic acid and oleic acid as the major fatty acids. Although, same results havs been achieved for identifi cation reactions in samples from two different regions, there is difference in the quantities of these active substances. The quantity of tannin and anthocyanoside of Artvin sample is found to be more than that of Mut's, whereas volatile ail and fixed oil of Mut sample is found to be more than that of Artvin' s. According to these results Artvin sample should be preferred as tannin source.- 65 - On tlı e other hand, results of both samples are in accordance with qualifications of TSE sumac standart. As a spice both fruits can be used.Item Trıbulus terrestrıs L. (Çoban çökerten(Zygophyllaceae) türü üzerinde farmasötik botanik yönünden araştırmalar(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2010) Yeşil, Tuğçe; Koyuncu, Mehmet; OtherThe aim of this study is to conduct pyhtochemical and pharmaceutical botanical investigations on Tribulus terrestris, which has an economical value and cosmopolitan distribution in Turkey.The morphological and anatomical characteristics of this specious were studied and demonstrated by photographs and drawings.Aerial parts were investigated for their main active compounds. The results of this investigation showed that plant has alkaloids, tannins, flavonosides, saponoside, cardioactive heteroside, anthociyanoside and essential oil.Key Words: Tribulus terrestris, Zygophyllaceae, morphological, anatomical, chemical.Item Türkiye'de Allıum L. cinsine ait (Sect. Allıum) endemik türler üzerinde morfolojik ve etnobotanik bir çalışma(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2012) Ekşi, Gülnur; Koyuncu, Mehmet; OtherA Morphological and Ethnobotanical Study on the Endemic Species of the Allium L. (Sect. Allium) in Turkey.Allium L. (Amaryllidaceae) is one of the large genera of Monocotyledons, it comprises of more than 800 species in the world and 180 of which grow in Turkey. Allium is as an important genus due to the usages as food, spice, ornamental plants and also as medicinal plants. In ?Flora of Turkey? it has been investigated under 14 sections. Section Allium is the largest section of the genus, characterised by the tricuspidate inner filament. The subject of our study is the morphological and ethnobotanical investigations of 27 endemic species (29 taxa), which are endemic to Turkey.This study has been carried out between 2010-2012, using dried and fresh materials. Our research is mainly based on the specimens of AEF herbarium. A total of c. 300 specimens were examined during this study. Comprehensive descriptions, habitats, geographical maps and detailed illustrations were provided for each taxon.Key Words: Amaryllidaceae, Allium, endemic, morphology, ethnobotany,Turkey.Item Türkiye'de yetişen Asparagus (Kuşkonmaz) türleri üzerinde farmasötik botanik yönünden araştırmalar(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1996) Güvenç, Ayşegül; Koyuncu, MehmetBu çalışma, ülkemizde doğal olarak yetişen Asparagus (kuşkonmaz) türleri üzerinde yürütülmüştür. Her türün morfolojik, anatomik, kimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik özellikleri çalışılmıştır. Morfolojik çalışmalarda, türleri birbirinden kolaylıkla ayırmak için yeni bir anahtar hazırlanmış, her türün deskripsiyonu yapılıp, orijinal resim ve çizimlerle bitkiler tanıtılmıştır. Ayrıca, her türün herbaryum kayıtlarından ve Türkiye Florası'nda belirtilen lokalitelerinden yararlanılarak ülkemizde yayılışını gösteren haritalar çıkarılmıştır. Bu çalışma sırasında, bilim dünyası için yeni olan bir tür ve bir alt tür tanımlanmıştır. Her türün kladot, gövde ve köklerinden alınan enine kesilerin çizimleri yapılmış, ayrıca mikroskoptan çekilen fotoğrafları da verilmiştir. Bu çizim ve fotoğraflardan yararlanılarak bitkilerin kladot, gövde ve köklerinin anatomik özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Kimyasal çalışmalar saponozitler ve sabit yağlar olmak üzere iki farklı grup üzerinde yapılmıştır. Herba ve rizomların taşıdığı saponozitler teşhis edilip, saponozit aglikonları İTK yardımı ile saptanmıştır. A. acutifolius, A. aphyllus subsp. orientalis, A. officinalis, ve kültür bitkisinin rizomlarının steroidal sapogenol olarak diosgenin taşıdığı, ayrıca bütün türlerin herba ve rizomlarında (3-sitosterol ve stigmasterol (steroller) belirlenmiştir. Tohumlarda bulunan sabit yağın yağ asitlerinin metil esterleri hazırlandıktan sonra GSK-MS ile yağ asiti bileşimi belirlenmiştir. İncelenen Asparagus türlerinin tohumlarından elde edilen sabit yağın oleik ve linoleik asitlerce zengin olduğu görülmüştür. Herba ve rizomlardan ayrı ayrı hazırlanan alkollü ve kloroformlu ekstrelerin antibakteriyal ve antifungal etkileri çalışılmıştır. Bazı türlerin Gram (+) bakterilere karşı etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çalışılan türlerin Gram (-) bakterilere ve Candida albicans' a karşı etkisiz olduğu görülmüştür.Abstract This study was conducted on the species of Asparagus. Morphological, anatomical, chemical and microbiological features of each species was studied. In morphological studies; a new key was prepared to distinguish the species from each other, the description of each species was done and the taxonomic characters of the species were explained by the original photographs and drawings. In addition; the maps showing the distribution of each species in Turkey were produced by using the records in the herbarium and the localities that stated in Flora of Turkey. During this work, a species and a subspecies were defined as a new to the science. Transverse sections of the cladotes, stems and roots of each species were drawn and were photographed. The anatomical features of these organs were determined by the help of these drawings and photographs. The chemical works were realised under the two main titles; saponins and fixed oils. The saponins of the aereal parts and rhizomes were identified and the aglikones of saponins were determined by TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography). It was determined that the rhizomes of A. acutifolius, A. aphyllus subs, orientalis, A. officinalis and the cultivated plant were carried diosgenin as a sapogenol and also p-sitosterol and stigmasterol (as sterol) were identified in aereal parts and rhizomes of all species. After preparing the methyl esters of the fatty acids of the fixed oils included in the seeds, the fatty acid composition were determined by GLC-MS. It was observed that the fixed oil which was extracted from the seed of the examined species of Asparagus was rich in oleic and linoleic acid content. The antifungal and antibacterial effects of alcoholic and chloroform extracts of the aereal parts and rhizomes which prepared seperately were also studied. It was observed that some species are effective on Gr (+) bacteria. It was also determined that the examined species are effective on Gr (-) bacteria and Candida albicans.Item Türkiye'de yetişen Heptaptera cinsi türleri (Umbelliferae) üzerinde farmasötik botanik yönünden araştirmalar(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2010) Yılmaz, Gülderen; Koyuncu, Mehmet; OtherThis study has been performed on four Heptaptera species (H. cilicica, H. anisoptera, H. anatolica, H. triquetra) growing naturally in Turkey. In the study, morphological and anatomical features, chemical components and biological activities were investigated.The morphological and anatomical features of the species were examined; similarities and differences were revealed with photographs and drawings. In addition, surfaces of all fruits, pollen and seed morphologies were examined and their photographs were taken with light and scanning electron microscopes.In the chemical study, main active substance groups of the roots, herba and fruits of the species were tried to be determined. Coumarin type compounds, found in the roots, herba and fruits of each species were determined with TLC analysis. In addition, flavonoids, present in the roots, herba and fruits of each species were qualitatively examined.Essential oils, obtained from the fruits of four Heptaptera species growing in Turkey were analyzed with GC and GMS methods and the major components of each essential oil were determined.In biological activity studies, antimicrobial, antioxidant activities and acetylcholinesterase enzyme inhibition activities were determined.Antioxidant activity studies were performed by using DPPH free radical scavenging activity, iron ion chelating activity and total phenol determination methods. The highest PPH activity was observed at a concentration of 2000 µg ml-1 as 86.19% and 80.48% in the fruit and herba extracts of H. triquetra, respectively.In the methanolic extract of fruits (190.68 mg-1) and herba (112.3 mg-1) of H. triquetra, the highest total phenol activities were observed. At a concentration of 2000 µg ml-1, the highest iron chelating activity was observed in the ethyl acetate extract of the fruits and herba of H. triquetra as 96.28% and 94.94%, respectively.Methanolic and ethyl acetate extract of four species belonging to the genus Heptaptera are examined in respect to Acetylcholinesterase enzyme inhibition. At a concentration of 2000 µg ml-1, moderate activity as 49.80% and 61.97% was seen in the fruit and herba extract of H. anatolica, respectively.Keywords: Anatomy, Biological activity (antioxidant, acetlycholinesterase)Coumarin, Essential oil, Heptaptera, Morphology,